About me

Hi! I am a third-year Ph.D. in Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, advised by Prof. Zhizhen (Jane) Zhao. I also collaborate closely with Prof. Alexander Schwing. Prior to that I obtained my Bachelor of Engineering degree from Zhejiang University and Bachelor of Science degree from UIUC, both majoring in Computer Engineering.

My research focuses on generative AI for computer vision, with a particular interest in developing novel diffusion and flow models and applying them to imaging sciences and inverse problems.

Email: yichi5@illinois.edu

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Selected Publications

Hierarchical Rectified Flow Matching with Mini-Batch Couplings

Hierarchical Rectified Flow Matching with Mini-Batch Couplings

Yichi Zhang, Yici Yan, Alex Schwing, Zhizhen Zhao

Under review.

[Abstract] [Bibtex]

Towards Hierarchical Rectified Flow

Towards Hierarchical Rectified Flow

Yichi Zhang, Yici Yan, Alex Schwing, Zhizhen Zhao

The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2025.

[Project] [Paper] [Code] [Abstract] [Bibtex]

FIG: Flow with Interpolant Guidance for Linear Inverse Problems

FIG: Flow with Interpolant Guidance for Linear Inverse Problems

Yichi Zhang*, Yici Yan*, Xiangming Meng, Zhizhen Zhao

The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2025.

[Project] [Paper] [Code] [Abstract] [Bibtex]

Accurate Identification of Transcription Regulatory Sequences and Genes in Coronaviruses

Accurate Identification of Transcription Regulatory Sequences and Genes in Coronaviruses

Chuanyi Zhang*, Palash Sashittal*, Michael Xiang, Yichi Zhang, Ayesha Kazi, Mohammed El-Kebir

Molecular Biology and Evolution.

[Project] [Paper] [Code] [Abstract] [Bibtex]